
We are better together. We believe that we need partners to truly do big things. That is why we are always seeking out like-minded organizations and individuals who want to see all families fed and communities transformed. There are several ways that partners play a vital role in this community development work. 

The following are ways that you or your organization can play an exciting role.


We have consistent needs for teams to help feed and impact communities alongside us. We benefit from volunteers so that we can operate on a low budget and direct the majority of our funding to feeding families.


You may be able to provide legal, marketing, development, medical, or a host of other professional consulting and support to help us feed more families.


It takes a variety of supplies for us to serve mobile feeding sites; food, boxes, printing, etc. We need farms, gardens, growers, and other suppliers willing to provide cost-effective or donated goods.


One of the most exciting ways to partner is through financial support. Your monthly or one-time financial partnership will provide long-term impact on families for years to come. Corporate and Organization sponsorships can propel the mission forward and feed thousands.

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