What is… Nutrition Insecurity

Did you know that someone can be food secure and still be nutrition insecure at the same time? We define nutrition insecurity, give its causes, and possible solutions.
Did you know that someone can be food secure and still be nutrition insecure at the same time? We define nutrition insecurity, give its causes, and possible solutions.
Subscribe Leave this field empty if you’re human: https://youtube.com/watch?v=/2yHpMc2_A9I?feature=share Food Rx in Arkansas Well Fed and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) East Regional Campus in Helena-West Helena are partnering to combat nutritional insecurity through a food prescription program and research study called Good Food Rx. The program works with UAMS patients who […]
Children who eat poorly are more likely to develop certain long-term health problems later down the road. Hear from our dietetics intern as she explains the importance of childhood nutrition and what Well Fed is doing to help!
Bad puns aside, when was the last time you thought about your kidneys? Unless you’re one of the 37 million people in the US with some form of chronic kidney disease, you probably haven’t given them much thought. Make two fists with your hands right now. Don’t worry if you’re in a public space, pretend […]
What determines our health? Dr. Bortz likes to explain it using the life of a car. There are 4 factors that determine the life of a car. It’s the same with humans. This is the biological determinants of health.
Arkansas has some of the highest barriers to accessing SNAP Benefits. We dive into a study done by the AHRA and UAMS that interviewed actual SNAP participants.
Fast, cheap, supersized food has been running through America’s veins since sliced bread was invented. Also driving the heartbeat of America is innovation and making everything bigger and cheaper.
Subscribe Leave this field empty if you’re human: 4 minute read Covid-19 did a number on people with food insecurity If asked what the trending health issue was between 2020 and 2022 there’s no doubt the answer would be Covid-19. The economic impact after the lockdowns and the increased number of hospitalizations and deaths […]
12.8% of Americans live in a food deserts. What is a food desert? Why is it important? We wrote a brief article and shot a 2 minute video to explain.
Subscribe Leave this field empty if you’re human: We met with the mayor of a town not so far from Little Rock and our visit blew my mind and reset my perspective on small town living. Here’s some facts about this tiny dot on the map: -Families: 200 -Stoplights: None -Stores with processed foods in […]